It is on days like that, when the below happens (photo before exhausted plating effort ensues). While it is not haute cuisine and clearly a bit less gentrified, a bit more rustic it is still a good, healthy, delicious dinner for a family:

This is still Blushing genius. Don't let it fool you:
1. Semi-slow roasted tomatoes which a bunch of bloggers (Molly, Adam, Deb) at the moment seem to think is new and interesting. FYI: Oven to 250, tomatoes in half drizzled generously with good oil oil, salt, pepper, and roasted 2 hours. Finished with fresh basil. Now that I have told you thatm will you trade me for the third mystery of Fatima?
2. Garlic rubbed crostini.
3. A bowl of French olives: I like Nyons. Along side slivers of fresh mozzerella
4. A huge arugula salad with mushrooms, carrots, toasted walnuts, tiny slivers of apricot, and coated with a great blanket of shredded parmigianno reggiano.
If your salads at home are not great, here are two tips:
The leaves and other ingredients must be washed, thoroughly dried, and seasoned. I love that new Salad Seasoning grinder from Spice Depot, the addition of chives and garlic is really nice where I had once used only salt and pepper to season lettuce.
And, if you are using cheese, for Pete's sake, use good cheese. Every super market has it now: aged and imported in the specialty cheese bins. Step away from the green can of Kraft "cheese" ,you and that hombre have slaughtered your last salad.
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